double g customs

Business gifts

How to choose the best business gift for your employees? Finding the perfect business gift for your employees can be a daunting task. It's important to take their individual preferences into account. Choose a gift that shows you've made an effort to thank them and that will leave a lasting impression. Business gifts [...]

Business gifts

What are the hidden benefits of business gifts? Business gifts are not only a way of pleasing customers and business partners, they also have their share of hidden benefits. By offering a gift, you can establish a relationship of trust with your business partners and inspire their loyalty to your company.

Business gifts

What are some original and innovative ideas for a business gift? When it comes to finding the perfect business gift, it can sometimes be difficult to choose something unique and innovative. Instead of giving traditional gifts like engraved pens or printed mugs, why not try something a little more original?

Corporate gift ideas

Find corporate gift ideas for trade shows Trade shows offer a great opportunity for companies to promote their brand and meet new customers. When you attend a trade show, giving the right corporate gift can help you stand out from other exhibitors and leave a lasting impression. [...]

Corporate gift ideas

A great corporate gift idea for your employees: gift baskets Finding the perfect corporate gift idea for employees can sometimes be a real headache. That's why gift baskets can be a winning solution. Not only can they be customized to suit individual tastes and preferences, they also offer a [...]

Corporate gift ideas

Search after eco-friendly corporate gift ideas to encourage consumers With the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, offering eco-friendly corporate gifts can be a great way to encourage consumers to choose more sustainable options. If you're looking for corporate gift ideas that are both practical and [...]

Corporate year-end gifts

Invest in personalized corporate holiday gifts! What could be better than delighting your employees with personalized corporate year-end gifts? By investing in quality gifts, you show your appreciation for their hard work throughout the year and create a festive atmosphere to close the year [...].

Corporate year-end gifts

What are the best options for giving end-of-year corporate gifts remotely? The end of the year is fast approaching, and you're probably wondering how to give corporate year-end gifts remotely. There are many creative options for expressing your gratitude to your employees. Consider gift cards in [...]

Corporate year-end gifts

A list of the best corporate year-end gifts for employees and customers The holiday season is a time for gratitude and recognition. Giving corporate holiday gifts to employees and customers is a great way to show your appreciation for their hard work and loyalty! Fortunately, [...]

Personalized promotional items

The new promotional medium: personalized promotional items! Personalized advertising objects have become the new promotional medium that's so popular with companies. Whether to attract customers' attention or to reinforce a company's brand image, personalized promotional items are proving highly effective. Thanks to their practicality and [...]

Personalized promotional items

Don't forget to think about the distribution of your personalized promotional items! In the world of advertising, personalized promotional items are essential for making your company known to a wider audience. However, it's important to think about the distribution of these objects in order to maximize their impact. In fact, distribution [...]

Personalized promotional items

For your personalized advertising objects, choose a design that reflects your brand's identity If you're looking to promote your company or brand, personalized advertising objects are an ideal solution. However, it's important to choose a design that reflects your brand's identity, in order to attract your customers' attention and reinforce your [...]

Advertising gifts

When it comes to promotional gifts, packaging is just as important as the content. Indeed, attractive packaging can add a whole new dimension to a promotional gift, transforming it from a simple object into a genuine experience. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to [...]

Advertising gifts

Identify your target audience before choosing the perfect advertising gift Before choosing the perfect advertising gift for your company, it's essential to identify your target audience. It's important to know who you want to reach with your advertising gifts: is it your customers, your employees, potential prospects? What do they like [...]

Advertising gifts

Where to find affordable, quality advertising gifts? Looking for affordable, quality advertising gifts? Look no further! There are many options for finding promotional gifts at a reasonable price without sacrificing quality! One of the best options is to find an online supplier [...]