The logo of Double G Customs customization workshop for wedding, lifestyle and b2b

double g customs

Create the perfect pair of personalized shoes for your wedding.
Create unique custom sneakers that look like you.
Increase your company's visibility with customized shoes.

White wedding shoe

How to care for white wedding shoes after the big day?

Before the big day, your white wedding shoes have been pampered by you. How do you properly care for your wedding shoes after the big day? This is a very good question. First, it is important to clean your white wedding shoes with warm water and a soft bristle brush. You can help yourself with a cleaning product specially adapted to the material of your wedding shoes. This way, this precious souvenir of your wedding will be in perfect condition after the big day! All that's left is to keep them properly protected from dust and to put them on from time to time on special occasions!

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