The logo of Double G Customs customization workshop for wedding, lifestyle and b2b

double g customs

Create the perfect pair of personalized shoes for your wedding.
Create unique custom sneakers that look like you.
Increase your company's visibility with customized shoes.

Personalized gift ideas

Find useful personalized gift ideas for recipients

We agree with you, coming up with personalized gift ideas for your target audiences is no easy task. However, there are a few guidelines to follow in order to be sure to offer a corporate gift that will make a lasting impression. For some years now, the world has been paying special attention to the environment and ecology. It is therefore important to put aside useless and unsustainable personalized gift ideas. They have a high risk of bringing bad publicity, which every company avoids at all costs. But what's left? All the corporate gift ideas that will be used by the recipients on a daily basis, be it mugs, shopping bags, etc. All items that will have a long life.

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