The logo of Double G Customs customization workshop for wedding, lifestyle and b2b

double g customs

Create the perfect pair of personalized shoes for your wedding.
Create unique custom sneakers that look like you.
Increase your company's visibility with customized shoes.

Original corporate gifts

What kind of budget should you set aside for original corporate gifts for your employees?

When it comes to planning corporate gifts for your employees, it's important to think about the budget you should devote to these gifts. If you're looking to give original and memorable corporate gifts, it's best to plan a budget that reflects the value you place on your employees. However, this doesn't mean you have to break the bank to make a good impression. There are many unique and creative gifts that can be purchased at an affordable price. Ultimately, the key is to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work and dedication by giving them original, special and meaningful corporate gifts. It's all about finding the right balance to please your employees with a good-quality gift.

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