double g customs

Create the perfect pair of personalized shoes for your wedding.
Create unique custom sneakers that look like you.
Increase your company's visibility with customized shoes.

Customizable sneakers

Which sneakers are customizable ?

For Double G Customs, all sneakers are customizable sneakers ! The choice is not limited to customizable sneakers sneakers featured on our site. We've made a selection from all existing models to simplify the online customization process. From now on, you'll be able to order customized sneakers from the comfort of your own home, using the following models, among others: Converse Chuck Taylor, Adidas Stan Smith, Adidas Superstar, Nike Air Force One, Vans Old Skool,... These are unisex models that are fashion icons. For customizable sneakers other than those offered on our site, you can send us your project by e-mail.

Choosing your model of customizable sneakers

As you can see, the easiest way to start your sneaker customization project is to use one of the customizable sneaker models presented on our site. However, don't forget that customization exists to enable you to create exactly what you need. So don't make choices out of obligation, but always in accordance with your desires and tastes! To select the model of customizable sneakers for your project, ask yourself whether you want low or high-top sneakers, leather or canvas, colored or white. If you already have customization ideas, some sneaker models will be more or less suited to your needs.

Customizable sneakers that become yours

Thanks to shoe customization, personalized sneakers are made exclusively yours, and no-one can find the same model in the store. An excellent way to stand out from the mass of people who wear classic sneakers, which have become so popular over the years. Discover the many options we offer to create the customized sneakers of your dreams... It's all online! At Double G Customs, we believe that customizing sneakers is a way of expressing individual creativity and personality. That's why we're developing as many customization options as possible, so that everyone can make the associations they like and that correspond to the way they see things.

How to wear customizable sneakers in the office?

Contrary to what we thought a few years ago, sneakers can be worn with casual chic. More and more wedding shoes are even sneakers! Proof that sneakers really can be worn with everything these days. For an elegant, casual look in the office, customizable sneakers that you plan to personalize with cool laces and touches of color will go wonderfully with your work outfits. There are a few exceptions, such as customizable sneakers with a basic athletic/sporty design... Combining business attire with casual elements like sneakers has become the norm in many workplaces.