The logo of Double G Customs customization workshop for wedding, lifestyle and b2b

double g customs

Create the perfect pair of personalized shoes for your wedding.
Create unique custom sneakers that look like you.
Increase your company's visibility with customized shoes.

Original advertising object

Get off the beaten track with original advertising objects!

Do you want to be the company that always stands out from the competition? Why not think outside the box and opt for original advertising items? Instead of offering the same items as your competitors, you could please your company's various target audiences with rare and unexpected items that are sure to surprise and delight them. By opting for original, unique and creative advertising items, you can create a memorable impression and set yourself apart from the competition! By offering something different, you'll delight your stakeholders and build loyalty, while creating a unique and memorable brand image for your company.

Step one: find an original advertising object

Finding an original advertising object may seem like a challenge, but it can help you make an impression and stand out from the crowd. Think useful items with a touch of originality, like a Bluetooth speaker in the shape of a pineapple or a pocket mirror with an inspirational quote. Yes, if you really want to impress, opt for a high-tech item. Whatever you choose, make sure it reflects your brand and what you stand for as a company. By finding the right combination of functionality and originality, you can offer an original advertising object that will be talked about for a long time to come!

Step 2: Define the budget for original promotional items

When it comes to innovative advertising, it's important to set a budget for original promotional items. These can take many forms, from traditional clothing to high-tech gadgets. But how do you define the budget best suited to your marketing strategy? The first step is to analyze the market, understand the average costs of different types ofobjects original advertising objects and set clear objectives. Next, it's highly advisable to work with one or more service providers to develop the best possible offer. The budget allocated must be consistent with the objectives pursued, and must enable an original and effective advertising campaign to be carried out.

Step three: Delight your target audience with original advertising items

Once you've found an original advertising object that fits your budget, it's time to please your target audience with it! With original corporate gifts, you have the opportunity to create a strong bond with the target audience in question, thereby strengthening your presence in the market. Original corporate gifts can be used not only to raise brand awareness, but also to provide an attractive and memorable brand experience. With original advertising objectsyou can be sure to put a smile on the face of your target audience, and that's a good thing!