The logo of Double G Customs customization workshop for wedding, lifestyle and b2b

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Create the perfect pair of personalized shoes for your wedding.
Create unique custom sneakers that look like you.
Increase your company's visibility with customized shoes.

Original corporate gifts

Thank your employees with original corporate gifts

It's always important to show your employees how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication to the company. Why not offer them something more exciting than the traditional gift card? From original corporate gifts can reward your employees and show your gratitude. The options for designing original corporate gifts are endless! However, gifts that reflect your employees' personalities and interests will always be the most appreciated. So show your employees your appreciation with a unique and unforgettable corporate gift!

Why not create your own original corporate gifts for your employees?

There are many reasons why you should consider creating your own original corporate gifts for your employees. First of all, it shows that you really care about them and that you value them. What's more, it can reinforce team spirit and motivation within your company. Last but not least original corporate gifts can make a big splash with your team of motivated employees, because you'll have made their gifts yourself. Homemade gifts can be as simple as baskets of goodies, or as elaborate as personalized office decorations. It's up to you to find something that will really please your employees!

Make your original corporate gifts a real experience for your employees!

Corporate gifts are a common way for companies to thank their employees, but why settle for something banal? Make your gifts an unforgettable experience for your employees by choosing original and creative corporate gifts. Imagine offering your employees a cooking class, a day at the spa, or an outdoor adventure! Choosing a gift that offers a real experience is a way of showing your employees that you appreciate their hard work and value them as individuals. So why not take your original corporate gifts from the ordinary to the extraordinary by giving them an experience they'll remember forever?

Offer original corporate gifts to your employees on special occasions

Find a special occasion to offer original corporate gifts can reinforce camaraderie and promote team spirit. For example, a company anniversary, a major team achievement or a personal event such as a wedding or birth can be good occasions to give gifts. Not only does it show that you care about your employees, but it can also increase their commitment to your company. Offering original corporate gifts on special occasions can create positive memories and strengthen the bond between your employees and the company.